Work with Niamh
Working with people referred by GPs, psychiatrists, physiotherapists, pharmacists and other health professionals, and also those who decide themselves to come for consultation, Niamh helps clients learn to navigate anxiety, depression, and stress. She also works with people seeking to build their self-confidence or learn how to bounce back following setbacks in life. Consultations are goal orientated and the approach is a collaborative one between client and therapist.
- Do you hold yourself back because of self-doubt?
- Do you feel anxious or stressed?
- Do you struggle to bounce back after setbacks?
- Do you feel depressed, with no interest in life?
Niamh works with individuals of all ages to promote good mental health and develop psychological skills to effectively deal with the challenges and demands of this ever-changing world. In this regard her areas of speciality are:
How to build lasting self-confidence
How to deal with anxiety, worry, and overload
How to bounce back from setbacks
How to navigate depression